Vahe Peroomian has been teaching physics and astronomy for over 25 years, with a teaching philosophy centered on the success of not just a select few students in each class, but each and every student that is enrolled in the courses he teaches. Vahé has 25 years of research experience in space science (specializing in geomagnetic storms and their societal impacts) with funding from NASA and the National Science Foundation. In addition to his passion for astronomy, Vahe is an avid photographer and an author on the Serway and Jewett series of physics textbooks. Since June 2005, Vahe has also served as a member of the Board of Trustees of Glendale Community College (GCC) in Glendale, California, a city-wise elected position to which he has been reelected three times.

His course, ASTR 100Lxg: The Universe (4.0 units): Survey of the universe: planets, satellites, comets, stars, nebulae, galaxies. Practical component includes planetary observations and dark-sky field trip.

University Partners: Ndejje University and Afghan Students from the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee (DPCC).

Guoping Huang, D.DES, is a landscape planning scholar, practitioner and geospatial innovator. His research interests include digital visualization, Geodesign, resilient and sustainable development in developing countries, international planning and spatial data science.        

His course, SCI 313: Global Geodesign and Stakeholder Engagement (2.0 units): Introduces the concept, practice, and context of public engagement, and its importance to the geodesign process. The topics in the first part of the course will cover the fundamental concepts of public participation and its advantages, the key elements in a public engagement process including organizing, managing, and integrating science, the context of public engagement including possible issues, the stakeholders, and the participation process. The second part of the course integrates the foundations that have been introduced in the first part of the course with the geodesign process and discusses the applications of public engagement in real-world projects.

University Partners: National Taiwan Ocean University and National Sun Yat-sen

Esther K. Chae is an award-winning actor, published playwright, Korea-Hollywood consultant and professor in acting. Her work has been covered by The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times and the Hollywood Reporter. Her life in Hollywood was the subject of a Korean Broadcasting Station (KBS) documentary. Chae’s acting roles include Soul (Disney Pixar/Academy Award For Best Animation 2020), Over The Moon (Netflix), NCISLaw and OrderThe West Wing24The ShieldS.W.A.T.Guidance (Hulu) and numerous national commercials; her stage credits include Yale Repertory Theater, La Mama, Mark Taper Forum/Kirk Douglas Theater, East West Players, Harvard/A.R.T., Alexandrinsky Theater (Russia).  

Her, course THTR 499 Special Topics: Global On-camera Acting: Studies in selected areas of theatre art. Intensive practice in role and script interpretation and its psychological relationship to the audience.

University Partners: University of Bologna and Whistling Woods

Robert O. Vos, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor (Teaching) of Spatial Sciences with the USC Spatial Sciences Institute. His research focuses on industrial ecology, including projects on regional materials flow analysis, eco-industrial park planning, lifecycle assessment, and sustainability indicators. One of his specialties is using GIS tools to improve methods used to measure the carbon footprint of many consumer products to more accurately assess their true environmental impact.

His course, SSCI 314: Comparative Sustainability Theory and Practice for Geodesign (2.0 units):This course introduces the comparative theory and practice of sustainability and its important role in geodesign. Sustainability is among the most pressing scientific and social challenges of our time and one of the major goals for the successful practice of geodesign. In spite of official attention from the United Nations in the late 1980’s and several rounds of sustainable development goals since then, local examples of progress have not yet summed to a global equilibrium for planetary ecosystems. Global climate change, ocean degradation, deforestation, habitat loss, and species endangerment continue nearly unabated. Using sustainability theory, this course comparatively interrogates local examples to uncover what hinders efforts and discover what types of geodesign practice in which sorts of places may most rapidly bring closer the goal of a sustainable global environment.

University Partner: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam SPINlab

Kristen Schiele specializes in the areas of digital marketing and social media, and serves on the Board of Directors for the Marketing Educators’ Association. Her primary areas of research include design thinking, digital marketing, and innovations in marketing education, and she received the Fulbright Scholar Award to teach and conduct research in Portugal. Dr. Schiele is co-author of the Mobile Marketing Essentials textbook, and frequently speaks on current and emerging trends in user experience and human-centered design.            

Her course, MKT 425 – Digital Marketing Fundamentals: Examine the changing world of the connected consumer. Gain introductory knowledge about consumers online and digital marketing tactics across industries.

University Partner: University of Lisbon

Shannon Gibson teaches courses and conducts research on global environmental politics, global public health, social movements, social justice and community-based research.She received her Ph.D. in International Studies from the University of Miami in 2011. As a participant-action researcher she focuses on the role of disruptive politics and social movements in climate and health governance. In her dissertation, “Dynamics of Radicalization: The Rise of Radical Environmentalism against Climate Change,” she conducted field and participant observation research at a variety of international summits, including World Social Forums in Brazil and Senegal, the 2010 G20 Summit in Pittsburgh, and the United Nations climate negotiations in Copenhagen and Cancun.

Her course, IR 323: Politics of Global Environment (4.0 units): Examines the politics of managing the global environment. The nature of ecosystems, commons problems, population and resource utilization problems along with biodiversity and global governance are emphasized.